Over the past two months, [bc] has been honored to partner with UTA Design/Build Professor Julia Lindgren and her fantastic students in the construction over at 3318 Beall Street, our latest design/build project in Dallas.
Since mid-March, this class made amazing progress on the house. Now that their semester has wrapped up, we all gathered onsite for a celebration of their work yesterday. It was a great time to check out all the work the students have done and to celebrate their contribution! We look forward to keeping in touch with the students and know amazing things are in store for them as they continue their education.
Check out the photos from the celebration!
![Professor Julia Lindgren, former [bc] member, speaks about the process and learnings from the project](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5248ebd5e4b0240948a6ceff/1620749327868-Y3QLV97J4SNRFHY4NQVP/IMG_0240.jpg)